The Orchestra Reborn


Luciano BERIO - Folk Songs

1. Black is the color

Black is the color
Of my true love’s hair,
His lips are something rosy fair,
The sweetest smile
And the kindest hands;
I love the grass whereon he stands.
I love my love and well he knows,
I love the grass where on he goes;
If he no more on earth will be,
’Twill surely be the end of me.
Black is the color, etc.

2. I wonder as I wander

I wonder as I wander out under the sky
How Jesus our Savior did come for to die
For poor orn’ry people like you and like I,
I wonder as I wander out under the sky.
When Mary birthed Jesus ’twas in a cow stall
With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all,
But high from the Heavens a star’s light did fall
The promise of ages it then did recall.
If Jesus had wanted of any wee thing
A star in the sky or a bird on the wing
Or all of God’s angels in Heav’n for to sing
He surely could have had it ’cause he was the king.

3. Loosin yelav

Loosin yelav ensareetz
Saree partzòr gadareetz
Shegleeg megleeg yeresov
Pòrvetz kedneen loosni dzov.
Jan a loosin
Jan ko loosin
Jan ko gòlor sheg yereseen
Xavarn arten tchòkatzav
Oo el kedneen tchògatzav
Loosni loosov halatzvadz
Moot amberi metch mònadz.
Jan a loosin, etc.

The moon has risen

The moon has risen over the hill,
over the top of the hill,
its red rosy face
casting radiant light on the ground.
O dear moon
with your dear light
and your dear, round, rosy face!
Before, the darkness lay
spread upon the earth;
moonlight has now chased it
into the dark clouds.
O dear moon, etc.

4. Rossignolet du bois

Rossignolet du bois,
Rossignolet sauvage,
Apprends-moi ton langage,
Apprends-moi-z à parler,
Apprends-moi la manière
Comment il faut aimer.
Comment il faut aimer
Je m’en vais vous le dire,
Faut chanter des aubades
Deux heures après minuit,
Faut lui chanter: ‘La belle,
C’est pour vous réjouir’.
On m’avait dit, la belle,
Que vous avez des pommes,
Des pommes de renettes
Qui sont dans vot’ jardin.
Permettez-moi, la belle,
Que j’y mette la main.
Non, je ne permettrai pas
Que vous touchiez mes pommes,
Prenez d’abord la lune
Et le soleil en main,
Puis vous aurez les pommes
Qui sont dans mon jardin.

Little nightingale

Little nightingale of the woods,
little wild nightingale,
teach me your secret language,
teach me how to speak like you,
show me the way
to love aright.
The way to love aright
I can tell you straight away,
you must sing serenades
two hours after midnight,
you must sing to her: ‘My pretty one.
This is for your delight.’
They told me, my pretty one,
that you have some apples,
some rennet apples,
growing in your garden.
Allow me, my pretty one,
to touch them.
No, I shall not allow you
to touch my apples.
First, hold the moon
and the sun in your hands,
then you may have the apples
that grow in my garden

5. A la femminisca

E Signuruzzu miù faciti bon tempu
Ha iu l’amanti miù’mmezzu lu mari
L’arvuli d’oru e li ntinni d’argentu
La Marunnuzza mi l’av’aiutari.
Chi pozzanu arrivòri ‘nsarvamentu
E comu arriva ‘na littra
Ma fari ci ha mittiri du duci paroli
Comu ti l’ha passatu mari, mari.

May the Lord send fine weather

May the Lord send fine weather,
for my sweetheart is at sea;
his mast is of gold, his sails of silver.
May Our Lady give me her help,
so that they get back safely.
And if a letter arrives,
may there be two sweet words written,
telling me how it goes with you at sea.

6. La donna ideale

L’omo chi mojer vor piar,
De quattro cosse de’e spiar.
La primiera è com’el è naa,
L’altra è se l’è ben accostumaa,
L’altra è como el è forma,
La quarta è de quanto el è dotaa.
Se queste cosse ghe comprendi
A lo nome di Dio la prendi.

The ideal woman

When a man has a mind to take a wife,
there are four things he should check:
the first is her family,
the second is her manners,
the third is her figure,
the fourth is her dowry.
If she passes muster on these,
then, in God’s name, let him marry her!

7. Ballo

La la la la la la …
Amor fa disviare li più saggi
E chi più l’ama meno ha in sé misura
Più folle è quello che più s’innamura.
La la la la la la…
Amor non cura di fare suoi dannaggi
Co li suoi raggi mette tal cafura
Che non può raffreddare per freddura.


La la la la la …
Love makes even the wisest mad,
and he who loves most has least judgement.
The greater love is the greater fool.
La la la la la …
Love is careless of the harm he does.
His darts cause such a fever
that not even coldness can cool it.

8. Motettu de tristura

Tristu passirillanti
Comenti massimbillas.
Tristu passirillanti
E puita mi consillas
A prongi po s’amanti.
Tristu passirillanti
Cand’ happess interrada
Tristu passirillanti
Faimi custa cantada
Cand’ happess interrada

Song of sadness

Sorrowful nightingale
how like me you are!
Sorrowful nightingale,
console me if you can
as I weep for my lover.
Sorrowful nightingale,
when I am buried,
sorrowful nightingale,
sing this song
when I am buried

9. Malurous qu’o uno fenno

Malurous qu’o uno fenno,
Maluros qué n’o cat!
Qué n’o cat n’en bou uno
Qué n’o uno n’en bou pas!
Tradèra ladèrida rèro, etc.
Urouzo lo fenno
Qu’o l’omé qué li cau!
Urouz inquéro maito
O quèlo qué n’o cat!
Tradèra ladèrida rèro, etc.

Wretched is he

Wretched is he who has a wife,
wretched is he who has not!
He who hasn’t got one wants one,
he who has not, doesn’t!
Tralala tralala, etc.
Happy the woman
who has the man she wants!
Happier still is she
who has no man at all!
Tralala tralala, etc.

10. Lo fiolaire

Ton qu’èrè pitchounèlo
Gordavè loui moutous,
Lirou lirou lirou …
Lirou la diri tou tou la lara.
Obio n’o counoulhèto
É n’ai près un postrou.
Lirou lirou, etc.
Per fa lo biroudèto
Mè domond’ un poutou.
Lirou lirou, etc.
E ièu soui pas ingrato:
En lièt d’un nin fau dous!
Lirou lirou, etc.

The spinner

When I was a little girl
I tended the sheep.
Lirou lirou lirou …
Lirou la diri tou tou la lara.
I had a little staff
and I called a shepherd to me.
Lirou lirou, etc.
For looking after my sheep
he asked me for a kiss.
Lirou lirou, etc.
And I, not one to be mean,
Gave him two instead of one.
Lirou lirou, etc.

11. Azerbaijan love song

[Transcription defies translation.]