The Orchestra Reborn


Season 8 Subscription

Season 8 Subscription

Sale Price:$150.00 Original Price:$200.00

A four-ticket subscription to our Season 8 shows, including our two remaining Prime Series shows (Through the Looking Glass, and Heavenly Life) and our special event at Jordan Hall on March 27th.

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In addition to a Prime ticket to each of these four concerts, all subscribers receive:

  • Access to the Phoenix Vault, a collection of past performance for on demand viewing, including most of our recordings from The Chronophone. We’ll email you a code so you can register for complimentary access.

  • A Phoenix whiskey glass, delivered to you at the first concert you attend!

We’re happy to offer complete flexibility with subscriptions this season, including refunds per concert if you feel you can’t attend and the ability to exchange one ticket to each concert for two tickets to two of our concerts (or any other combination). If you’d like to flex your subscription, please send us an email and we’ll take care of everything.


The events included in this year’s Prime Subscription package are the following:

November 14th - Phoenix Prime: A Night at the Theater
January 22nd - Phoenix Prime: Through the Looking Glass
March 27th - Phoenix @ Jordan Hall
May 19th - Phoenix Prime: Heavenly Life

Please note that Phoenix’s January 23rd performance at the Shalin Liu Performance Center in Rockport, MA is NOT included in our subscription package.

Health and Safety

As we look forward to the return of the thing we’ve missed the most here at Phoenix, live concerts, we’re committed to proving a safe and healthy environment for our audiences to enjoy our shows.